Double hand pinch pleat
Inverted pleat on bronze pole with holdback
Goblet heading with crystal buttons
Vertical blinds
Interlined double hand pinch pleats on black nickel pole
Bay track with hand pinch pleat curtains
Contrast pelmet with curtains
wave curtains on taupe track
Interlined double pleats on chrome pole
Crystal tieback
double hand pinch pleat on chrome pole
Bobble trim on hand pinch pleat with wooden pole
Interlined double hand pinch pleat on antique bronze Galleria pole caged finials
Box pelmet with curtains and holdbacks
Upholstered pelmet with piped edge
Deep buttoned headboard with cushions and bedthrow
Roman blind with seat pad and cushions
Complete room - headboard with matching ottoman, curtains, voiles and cushions
White wooden venetian blinds
Plain roller blind with 70mm cassette with a white trim
Blackout roller blind with 70mm matching cassette with silver bottom bar
White vertical blind
Double hand pinch pleat on a track
Patterned roller blind with 70mm cassette with chrome trim
roman blind with matching pelmet with bead trim
Roman blind with side trim
Roman blinds in kitchen
Contrast band pelmet with patterned roman blind
Swags and tails with jabons.
Roman blind with matching pelmet
Eyelet curtains with silver eyelet and pole
Pair of sill hand pinch pleats on track
Plain pelmet with curtains and voiles
Gold leaf roman blind
Triple hand pinch pleats on an antique brass curtain pole with spear finials
Shaped pelmet with matching curtains
Triple hand pinch pleat curtains with tiebacks on a silver pole
Roman blinds in a bay
Pelmet with roman blind and voile roller
Eyelet curtains on a silver pole
Interlined double hand pinch pleat valance with contrast band blackout lined curtains
Roman blind with contrast pelmet in a dormer window
Contrast shaped pelmet with decorative piping and patterned roman blinds.
Deep buttoned chaise with bolster cushion
Upholstery and cushions
Goblet curtains on a black nickel pole
Double hand pinch pleat curtains on a track
Straight edge pelmet with matching curtains and tiebacks
Grey wave headed voile on anthracite track
Decorative holdback with pole to match
Double hand pinch pleat on bronze metropole
Double hand pinch pleat on bay track
Designer curtains
Double hand pinch pleat on brass pole
Roller blind on open cassette with black finish
Box pelmet and curtains across front bay
Contrast banded pelmet
Roman blinds in bay with pelmet and curtains on outside with tiebacks
Cut out pelmet and curtains in bay window
Velvet trim pelmet with matching curtains
Double pole with pink voile and green velvet curtains
Roman blind with matching pelmet. White wooden venetian inside recess
Roman blind
Electric roman blind with matching seat pad and cushions
Roman blinds ready to go !
Floral roman to match kitchen cupboards
Geometric gold/cream roman
Voile roller blind under roman blind and pelmet
Roman blind and matching pelmet
Blue roman blinds inside bay window
seat pad with cushions
Upholstered seating with crystals and decorative cushion
Bay pelmet with sill length curtains and rope tieback
Voile roller inside recess with curtains on brass pole and tiebacks
Decorative voile
White voiles with hand pinch pleat. Bed cushions and runners
Voile roman blinds in bay
Wave heading on black track
White voile with wave heading on black track
Wave curtains under coving - 6m !
Wave taupe cut out pattern voile
Wave curtains under coving
Vertical blinds with anthracite track
Velvet feather headboard with valance, bed runner and cushions
Leopard print footstool
Reupholstered dining chairs with runner
Diamante wallpaper with headboard and matching bed soft furnishings
Reupholstered chaise with bolster
Apex window with pencil pleat heading
Navy velvet reupholstered sofa
Reupholstered linen chair with velvet piping
Upholstered button back seat for dressing area
Window seat pads, piped and zipped
Reupholstered chaise with bolster
Seat pad for blanket box
Reupholstered hall chair
Reupholstered chairs with matching dining chairs
Reupholstered headboard
Complete bed transformation- new headboard with bed throw and cushions
New bedroom stool pad
Reupholstered hall chair
Morris & Co curtains and blind